Pete Rose
Total visits: 65
Posted on: 23rd Jun 2015
Well Pete Rose is in the news again and if what we saw on TV is correct is more evidence that once again he has lied to us.
I am a native Cincinnatian and I do not want to see him inserted in the Hall of Fame.
Who ever is a Pete Rose Die Hard ....sorry! But I do not want to see this person become a role model for my grand children, my great grand children and their children, an so on and so on.
By putting him in the Hall of Fame and patting him on the Po Po and saying "that is all right Pete you still earned it" Bull!!! Putting him in the Hall of Fame declares him a roll model for the youth of America and he certainly is not that.
This is not just a matter of a sporting event, is a matter of morals and principles.
We cannot condone this conduct as a boiler plate for our youth to follow.
He is the type person I despise and just because he is a good ball player and set some records, that is no reason I want him to be considered for an award that will say it is ok to conduct yourself in a manner that is repulsive.