Nowadays almost anyone can start a blog. When visitors come to your blog, chances are high that they will leave soon after scanning through the content on your blog. So, how do you make the traffic to your blog stay?
Here are 6 tricks that you can do to encourage your visitors to stay and better still, come back to your blog regularly. If you have more suggestions, feel free to share them in the comment section.
1) Add testimonials
If you have testimonials from your subscribers, add them in the header, sidebar and/or footer of your blog. This will immediately differentiate your blog from thousands of other blogs out there.
If you have a list, getting testimonials is as easy as sending an email and ask. If you don�t have a list, you can get your friends or other marketers you know to give you a testimonial.
2) Add your photo and �about me� page
If you are comfortable sharing your photo in the public, you can add a photo of yourself on your blog, with a short description of why you start the blog. You can also add an �About Me� page and make the link obvious, either in the header or footer.
People are always curious about what other people are doing, why they do it and how they do it. By adding a photograph of yours and telling people about you and your story, you are able to quickly gain trust from your visitors. As a result, they are more willing to find out what you have to offer.
3) Have an end-of-post offer
People come to your blog for information. Once they get the information they want, they will move on.
The question is, where do they move on to?
If you do not intentionally do anything, chances are high that they will move on to another website.
To prevent them from leaving your website, you should always add an end-of-post offer.
An end-of-post offer is basically an offer that is presented at the end of your article. It should be the first thing they see when they are done reading your article.
- It can be an offer to download a free ebook.
- It can be an offer to opt-in to your newsletter.
- It can also be simply links to other interesting posts on your blog.
You can add an end-of-post offer easily using our free tool � PopupXpert.
4) List Down Your Best Posts
Most bloggers list down their recent posts because it is in the default setting. The problem with recent posts is they may not be interesting enough to arouse your new visitors� interests.
To show your new visitors the potential of your blog, you have to show them your best posts.
If you are using WordPress, the easiest way to do it is by adding a Text Widget to the sidebar. Then manually enter the html link code of your top 5 posts. The code will look something like this:
For the benefit of those who are not so tech savvy, here is how to do it:
a) Login to your WordPress admin > Appearance (arrow 1) > Widgets (arrow 2)
b) Drag Text Widget (arrow 3 above) into the Main Sidebar (arrow 4 above). You will then see a form like the one below:
c) In the input form, enter �Featured Posts� in the title field (arrow 5 above) and the html link codes of your top 5 posts (arrow 6 above). Click Save (arrow 7 above).
5) Add images and videos
The basic idea of adding images and videos to your blog is to make your visitors believe that your blog provides values.
When new visitors first come to your blog, they are skeptical. They often scan through your blog before deciding whether to read your article.
Images and videos require more effort to prepare, hence making them to believe that your blog is worth reading.
6) Provide online services
Last but not least, you can differentiate your blog from the rest by providing online services in your niche. The best example to show you is our LeadsLeap blog. Other than blogging, we offer a slew of tools and services that our members can use free.
Yes, it takes time, money and ideas to create useful tools and services. But it�s definitely something that will keep your visitors coming back to your website again and again.
Agree? Don�t agree? Or have I missed out some ideas? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
You can read the original article here