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Total visits: 226
Posted on: 15th Feb 2015

                                                                                 image credits: Paul Stanton


The New Trend of "Member To Member Payment" offers which came online like tidal wave in the beginning of 2015 isnow slowly dying due to the NOT PROFITABLE structure at the higher levels. The low levels start good but it's not easy to earn that higher income.

If you want to find out why this is what's happening, you can watch this video, which explains it very clearly.

There is an exception though and it's called CashBot.
It is the "Member To Member Payment" offer but IT IS NOT LIKE THE REST!
It is designed to BENEFIT MEMBERS the MOST, not the admin or owner.
It is CHEAP PROOF, Very Profitable, Low Cost and with Instant Direct Payments.

The owner of the CashBot is "GenSoft", which stands for Genius Softwares.
It is a Canadian Networking Company associated with Chweedel Corp., which is a 40 year old engineering company, and includes professionals from software engineers
to web designers and advertising offers for Canadian firms.


Well, it has a unique and very exciting pay plan for those who decide to promote this business offer. You just cannot fail. It goes viral, and spreads like a wildfire, and is literally unstoppable!

It goes like this:

You join for a one time payment of $4.99 to your sponsor.

You sell one membership and you get your initial investment back because it is paid directly to you.

Your second sale goes to your sponsor.

Your third sale makes you 100% profit cause you get paid $4.99 directly again.

With your fourth sale your profit becomes 200% :) YES!!!

Your fifth sale goes to your sponsor's sponsor.

Your 6th,7th,8th sales go directly to you again... SEE HOW IT'S MULTIPLYING? :)

Your 9th sale goes to the third upline sponsor (if there is such!)... and if there isn't a 3rd sponsor above, it goes back to you... COOL!!!

It continues that way down to infinity :)))

Imagine what happens when those that bought the membership from you also start selling it?! You'll get real passive income on autopilot because you'll be someone's sponsor, then sponsor's sponsor, then 3rd sponsor in the line, then 4th, 5th, and on, and on, and on... as long as somebody buys the $4.99 membership along the line... and why wouldn't they? :)

WHY IS IT GOING TO BE REALLY COOL FOR ME? (and could be so for you too)

Well, BECAUSE THERE ARE ONLY 2 SPONSORS ABOVE ME - my sponsor and the owner! Which means that all the sales after my 5th one will be always coming to me!
I guess this is where all the team leaders and other people that are good in sales WANT TO BE!

Got excited yet?

Well, CashBot is only the FIRST step to profits. How would you like to earn 10x MORE?

I'll reveal the next step later. BUT before that, let's first enjoy some autopilot cash flow on a smaller scale... anyway, it won't stop any time soon ;))

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