There isn�t one person on the planet who doesn�t procrastinate. Even the most organized and most ambitious of us dawdle and put things off. So, the real issue isn�t whether or not we procrastinate, but why we do it; even though it causes us future stress and discomfort. The reason ...
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You have a personal responsibility to become a high earner, and to skillfully manage your personal and business finances. You must prepare for a lucrative career, and guarantee yourself a competitive salary. Your financial education must be complete, and you must be ready to apply it. You must treat money ...
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You are a no-nonsense, insistent, stubborn, and ready to do battle when it is necessary. You walk-the-walk as much as you talk-the-talk! You are out on the battlefield, with your weapon strapped over your shoulder, charging towards enemy lines to liberate the village that is being held captive by your ...
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One of the most important skills that each and everyone of us must possess in order to achieve true happiness is how to earn, save, invest, and multiply money. There are many good (and not-so-good) self-help books and courses that aim to teach strategies needed for managing ones money. Yet, ...
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Human fulfillment requires an enduring, optimistic, and auto-didactic personality. However, you don�t have to be a brave warrior to possess all three. You just have to be willing to face every obstacle with mental fortitude, confidence, and the faculty to teach yourself. Even if you�ve spent a good part of ...
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Cloud computing technologies can help companies save a lot of cash by taking away the burden of acquiring servers, software, the people required to provide enterprise services, deployment of customized shelf solutions and shared technology solutions; all of which are very important in supporting the mission of the business. This ...
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Positive affirmations are uplifting statements that are voiced repeatedly to help an individual dramatically reverse negative thoughts. In theory, the statement takes on the task of influencing the subconscious mind to act in accordance with a desired end result. However, research psychologists at the University of Waterloo have now found ...
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When it comes to online marketing, there are several methods that are very effective in reaching prospects and building relationships. Blogging and vlogging (video blogging) are two well-known methods. However, blog texts have a number of attributes which video and even audio recordings don�t, and all of these attributes will ...
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If you had to name one quality that you believe differentiates you from everyone else, it would likely be your creativity. Moreover, you would also observe that, at one time or another, you have had to endure jeers and condemnation. In fact, there is nothing in civilized society that has ...
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You can probably think of hundreds of reasons why having an email list is far better than having a direct mailing list. Although both are quite beneficial, an email list is far more functional and convenient. The following ten reasons illustrate why an email list is far better than a ...
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