We're going to start off with Traffic Exchanges as you can use those for free.

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Total visits: 235
Posted on: 1st Jun 2014
I am going to suggest a variety of free advertising resources below and there are thousands of other free advertising resources that you can use.  Free advertising will take a little of your time but it can work for you.
Don't sign up for all the services below as you'll want to focus on just a few advertising resources to start.  I would suggest not more than the top seven Traffic Exchanges unless you have the time to commit to more advertising.
All these advertising resources have paid upgrades and you have to make the decision as to whether or not you want to upgrade.   Generally the upgrades take less time as you will get credits with your upgrade, so you have to weigh the cost versus your time when upgrading and buying advertising.

TIP: I took advantage of the special offers that crop up before upgrading.

Now not all  Traffic Exchanges are created equal, but luckily for us TE Hoopla monitors the top exchanges and grades them for their performance, so all you have to do is join the top seven sites through the TE Hoopla Rankings page then you know that you are joining the most productive exchanges

A traffic exchange is a place where you view other sites and earn credits for each site you view.  Then you can take those credits and get others to view your site.
The one thing you want to make sure you don't do while surfing is to get sidetracked by some other offer.  You will see a lot of junk at the Traffic Exchanges so don't get distracted.
You need to focus on what you have, stay the course and you will do great.  If you allow yourself to start clicking on sites instead of surfing for credits, you will waste time which will cost you signups down the road.
Remember our clients will be using the same pages and ad resources as you which is a very good thing because the more people see something, the more likely they are to review it, so those who stick with their agenda will win.

Here is how to get setup:

1 - Signup for your own Free Account!  at TE Hoopla  After logging in look at the left panel and you will see three buttons marked 1st, 2nd and 3rd Join.  Click on the First join button and start with these TE's,  these TE's have all been tested and used by our current members and they have all proven to be effective and reliable.

2- Confirm your Registration when you receive your Welcome Email.

3 - Login to your Member Account and "Explore". You generally need to surf a certain number of sites to fully activate your account but each one is different and there will be instructions at each TE. 

4 - Copy and paste your sales Gateway URL as your main site at each TE and then as you generate credits, assign credits to your link and get them seen. 

5 - Surf a little each day at each TE to Earn More Credits and keep assigning those credits to your sales page(s)

It is as simple as that, 

So Lets Get Started

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