The Results From Your Advertising

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Total visits: 186
Posted on: 1st Jun 2014
Okay so now you're advertising and getting your page out there so what can you expect.  Here again is where we are going to be very conservative and you need to have patience.  You could get a sign up with the first hit from any of the advertising you're doing or it could take a few hundred or a thousand hits.
Nobody can ever tell you how your advertising is going to do and those who are telling you that you can expect a 1% sign up rate are just blowing hot air.

I base my advertising on getting one prospect per 1,000 hits.  Sometimes I get 50 prospects on 1,000 hits and sometimes I get 0, but my overall objective is to get 1:1,000.
Follow up with your prospects
When you get a new free member at SFI 12 Second Commute, the system is going to send you a notification with their name and email address.  You will immediately want to send a short note and introduce yourself to that person.

DO NOT attempt to sell them anything or mention upgrading at this point.  And NEVER EVER send them any links to any other program or they will be gone for good.  To highlight this point just put yourself in their shoes.  If you signed up for something and your sponsor sends you a note with a link to some other program, how would you feel about that sponsor?
I know I would never sign up with him/her again and whatever I had just signed up for, I would cancel as well.  Remember that you're dealing with real people who only want an honest way to make money online.  Show them you care and show them you are there for them and will help them, and you get a customer for life.
So keep your initial letter simple and friendly.  There is an example of a letter you can send below.

Sample New Referral Introduction Letter

Subject Line:  (Their Firstname here), I wanted to personally welcome you to SFI 12 Second Commute

Body: Hi (Their Firstname)

My name is (Your first and last name here) and I wanted to take a minute and welcome you to SFI 12 Second Commute.
If you're like me, you've been looking for an honest business that will show you the ways to start earning money online without all the hype and lies.
Well, we both found it and as you review your new account, please know that I am here to help you in any way I can.
My contact details are below for your convenience.

Your Name

Your Phone Number

Your Email Address

Note: You put whatever information for the contact that you're comfortable putting.  If you don't want to give a phone number, don't give it or if you don't want to give your email don't give it.
But you need to put something so the person can contact you with any questions and whatever you do, DO NOT put a junk email address and make sure your phone and or email address is correct so if they have questions or want to reach out to you, they can.
Also if you just started with SFI 12 SC and the person asks how much money you are making, don't lie to anyone.  If you've only made a few dollars or nothing at all, tell them because honesty is always the best policy and nobody wants to be misled.

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