SFI Is So Easy

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Posted on: 2nd Jun 2014
SFI Is so easy, so why do so many affiliates quit without giving this opportunity a chance.  I thought about this for quite some time and considered how and what SFI can do for the average person that has no internet experience.  And do you know what I found?  They make this so easy that you don't have to be an Internet whiz kid to grow your business. Do you know what you do need? 

A willingness to learn!

So I ask myself If SFI makes this so easy why are so few people taking the time to learn?  I think I have it figured out, basically it's because they don't take time to read.
Now If I said I would pay you $110,000 to read this site every day for the next two years would you do it? 
Now what I just did was tell you the potential this site brings to the people who will come on here every day and read and build the business.  But I put it into perspective. The problem with most people is they don't see the big picture. 
They think because they are not receiving instant money that it won't go anywhere.  Do you know that it's not any harder to earn a 6 figure income than it is to earn $25,000 a year?
I figured something out a while ago, only 5% of the people become rich, because the other 95% give up instead of staying in it for the long haul.
Do you know any doctors? How long did it take them to become rich? It wasn't in their first 5 years right? Ask one of them sometime and see what they tell you. 

Did you know that SFI is basically a 3 to 4 year plan?  I'm stretching that a bit because I know success can come sooner.  

If you had to go to educate and train yourself to become a doctor how long would it take? Eight years maybe  I'm guessing here but I know that has to be fairly accurate because just to get a bachelors degree takes about 4 years right?  Then it has to be another 4 after that for a PhD and I don't think they let people become doctors with anything less than a PhD. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
Is it worth your time to spend the next, oooooh let's say 3 years with SFI to build your fortune?  Let's say you don't get it right the first time.  You would have a second chance would you not?  Another 3 years would work for a lot of people I think.  Do you know that a typical job is usually referred to as the 45 year plan?  You work 45 years, you retire and when you stop working you get what from your job?  Nothing right?  What if you work 3 years with SFI and you build an ongoing residual income?  How long will that last?  

Thats right The Rest Of Your Life. 

Do you get me now? Are you with me? Do my words make sense? I hope so. 
With SFI there is no hype, no smoke screens and definately no lies.  SFI is the real deal.  I've been involved in several MLM companies in my life and have seen all the garbage that goes along with them. They all claim you can be successful but there is not a lot of help.  SFI is the first company that not only claims you can be successful, but has in place all the tools necessary for your success.  
You are responsible for the rest, to do the work.  Now how hard is that? Ten to fifteen hours a week is what it takes. I put about 30 hours a week into my SFI Business and I feel like I haven't done enough. But until I can quit my day job, that is all I can currently spare.

"Perspective" what is yours? Do you have a large vision or a small one? I'm in it for the long haul, are you?

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