Solo Emailing
Total visits: 303
Posted on: 15th Jun 2014
One of the most effective methods of online advertising is the solo ad campaign.Reason being, you are reaching a targete market and your ad is usually read a high percent of the time. An email marketing campaign using a well-targeted list can be a very effective lead generation as well, if used carefully and professionally. We are not speaking of unsolicited ads but, of leads or emailing services that has a pre-opted a membership that has agreed to receive and read your solo ads.
The recent rash of spammers has caused people to become afraid of unsolicited email messages, so the safest method of email advertising is A well-crafted, to-the-point e-mail with a catchy subject line and targeted message that presents value and benefits. This email marketing method is always well received. Your ad is usually read, and the reader appreciates the content.
The most important aspect here is to get the reader, or the prospect to act. Its up to you to be proactive. Dont be afraid to ask the reader to visit your site. Create action and excitement in your email text. Delivering your carefully crafted email advertising to an opt in list or targeted data base is safe, easy and effective, plus its definitly spam free.
Article by G. Brown,
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