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Free Viral Blog & Banner Advertising System

Rated: , 0 Comments
Total visits: 295
Posted on: 16th May 2014
Considering that you've joined a banner program, I assume you know how to use banners. If you are already using Traffic Exchanges, List Builders, etc., put as many banners as you can there, don't neglect it, you will get results!

Most places that accept banners don't need the complete code, they ask for URL address of the banner image file and the URL to your offer page. In our case it will be the URL address of your main Cash In On Banners page, listed at the beginning of this page.

How viral banner advertising Works

Your banner will always remain in spot #1. And  will be rotated in the spot #2 on the pages of a signup .If they refer new members, your banner moves to spot #3 of these new members' pages. So, with the addition of new members on lower levels, your banners will move through all 6 upper spots in turn.  This kind of banner program is exposing thousands of impressions a cross a system of thousands and thousands of members and the banners are shown globally.

Get a winning combination:

The most effective viral banner-based traffic building
system, bringing thousands upon thousands of real,
qualified, guaranteed visitors that click on your banners
and spend time on your websites.

Combined with >>>>>

The easiest, tested, fast direct pay=out system that makes
it impossible not to make money.

It creates an unlimited flow of member-to-member impressions
that you receive directly from another member, not the

All you have to do is to go and check it right now:

TeamLine Builder

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