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Email Marketing - Delivering Quality Info

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Posted on: 13th Jun 2014
Email Marketing - Delivering Quality Info

The biggest mistake people make when corresponding with their mailing list subscribers is forgetting about the actual quality of the content that is provided.  You have to remember that there are people on the other end of all your emails, and if you are not there to help them and build a relationship with them, you are not going to be able to effectively monetize your mailing list.

In this tutorial we are going to outline how to over-deliver to your list.  By this we mean, give them more than they are actually expecting.  This is a sure fire way to build a long term relationship with your subscribers and when you do present offers to your list they will be much more likely to take action and follow your recommendations.

Remember, a single mailing list can earn you $10,000�s every single month.  Email Marketing is not going anywhere and if you do not already have lead generation strategies in place, you should definitely consider them going forward.

If you are not sure about what Email Marketing is, or how to get started with it, we suggest that you read over the following tutorial before continuing with this one:

9 Techniques to Writing Interesting Email

People do not want to be bored with your content.  It is very important that you write your emails from the heart and in a manner that is not boring.  People do not want to get an email that sounds like it was spit out of a robots mouth each week, so add a personal touch to your emails.  Here are some ideas of things you can communicate with your list to achieve great results:

   1. Holiday Celebrations

      Many people like to celebrate holidays, and even more people spend money during these holiday periods.  What about sending your dieting list a New Years Celebration regarding a resolution about losing weight.  How about reminding your dating list that you are thinking of them on Valentine�s day?  Keep the line of communication open and take advantage of every holiday as possible.   Emotional connections are easiest during these times of the year.

   2. Industry News / Insight

      You can obtain industry news quite easily by doing a simple search within Google News or picking up the latest magazine or newspaper that would contain industry-related information.   If you can continually deliver current information to your list, they will be inclined to open up your emails regularly, thus improving your chances of more conversions.

   3. Related Industry Info
      People that are interested in one thing are probably interested in many similar things.  People who are interested in dog training dogs are likely interested in dog supplies.  People who are interested in dieting may also be interested in quitting smoking.  People interested in dating may also be interested in looking better.   There are many connections that you can make between different industries and this gives you the ability to cross-promote to your lists.  Do not limit your options!

   4. Expert Interviews

      Lining up Interviews with industry experts can be a great way to increase your credibility with your list.  People love to learn information from experts. Other than the time it takes to line up an interview, the work on your part is very little.  Many experts like to get their name out to as many people as possible and would be more than happy to do text, audio, or video interview for you.

   5. Personal Testimonials/Review

      Ready to recommend a product/service to your list?  Give them some value and a reason to take a further look into what you are offering.  There is nothing better than giving a candid review of a product, create a short little review page that outlines what you liked and did not like, or even put up a video review for your list to take a look at.  The personal approach will be well received by your subscribers and they will be much more inclined to buy from you if you are honest and not overly �salesy�.

   6. Reach Out by Asking a Question

      Remember, often times people will see you as an imaginary figure and do not see that there is a real person behind the email.   If you open a line of communication with your lists, it will give them the opportunity to contact you and will give you the opportunity to open up the dialogue with your potential customers.  This will benefit you in many ways.  If someone contacts you they are interested and are usually the easiest people to convert into paying customers.  You will also gain valuable insight into the things that your consumers are looking for and you can in turn use this information as part of your marketing campaigns.

   7. Tips & Techniques
      People love to receive free tips & techniques, especially if they contain good information.  If you prepare a �Top 10� list of industry tips, your list will be very responsive.   How about delivering the Top 10 ways to create, improve, enhance, start, stop, remove, prevent, choose, select, run, reduce, make ___________.� This should give you ample ideas to get up and running with a Top 10 list.

   8. Guides
      Whip together a free guide or course and your list will love you!  Looking for some information on what you could write on, just look through some of the article engines like or, take a few articles and put them together, re-write the content, and package it in a PDF.   This is a great way to offer bonuses to your customers as well.

   9. Competition Hack

      Most people that would sign-up to your list have industry intelligence.  By this we mean that they have an understanding of other products and chances are they have tried some of the other ones before.  When a product has a lot of hype, it will be on people�s minds when they are contemplating buying yours.  If you can give them reasons to buy yours instead with a real (and fair) comparison, you are likely to earn yourself a customer.  Worst case scenario is that you earn a commission from the other product if they offer an affiliate program.

How Often to Contact Your List

People tend to either contact their list too often or not enough.   The timeframe that you allow between your emails is important not only to list retention, but to the actual conversion of your lists.  You learned in the last section that it is very important to include quality info, but timely delivery of this info is also a key to your success.

We suggest that you contact your list no more than once per week unless you have a big launch or something that is very time-sensitive to tell your list about (like a special offer, sale, or membership closure).  If you "hit" your list too often with promo emails you are going to get a huge unsubscribe rate!

Be the EXPERT!

In one word: CREDIBILITY.  If you can not portray some sense of credibility to your mailing list from the aspect of an expert, or someone who has dedicated the time and effort to research something, you are not going to have nearly the same impact and reap the financial rewards that come with good subscriber relationship.

You need to make sure you come across as knowing what you are talking about.  You can do this by offering insider info and spending time doing research before you orchestrate your broadcast/follow-up emails.

Create a concrete connection between you and the industry you are promoting.  For example, �I have made $100,000 online in the last month� or if you have no results to display, �I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for the last 6 months and have built my first site, campaign and earned my first money with their help�.  Both of these offer a high level of credibility.

One more thing that you should always remember is that there are likely people on your subscriber list that are very savvy within the industry.  If you are not current or if you release inaccurate information they will be all over you and you will no longer be CREDIBLE.  It is important to stay up-to-date on trends, and more importantly, let your list know about these trends before they find out for themselves through another resource.


If you are going to build a list, make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons.   You are wasting your time if you are not providing people with quality information that is relevant to what they are looking for.  Having a responsive mailing list can be more powerful than any other marketing campaign that you ever create.  Do not think that this is just a small component of your online business, because a whole business could be created around a single, responsive mailing list. 

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