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Click Bank

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Total visits: 321
Posted on: 16th Jun 2014
Clickbank is one of the more popular affiliate networks out there which means that there is often a fair bit of competition that you are going to have to overcome if you want to succeed with ebook  marketing of Clickbank products. Your will find that  Clickbank offers a myrid of high quality products suitable for ebook marketing or electronic downloads.

Lets explore a Clickbank Mall. Clickbank is a huge clearinghouse for internet vendors. Different vendors (just like you want to become on the internet) use Clickbank to process their sales orders. Now, that is not what you are going there now for. Or Do A search  of all the various  electronic downloads and many ebooks that are being sold via Clickbank. There are approximately 20,000 different products on the Clickbank network.  

Having a your own Click Bank Affliate is great for ebook marketing. You have at your disposal to peruse the mall and  be knowledgeable of the product you choose to promote, As an affiliate, your main tasks is to find and recommend the best products to your customers. Once you have found a product that is superior in quality, with a low refund rate,  All You do next is market that product.
You can also market the entire Click Bank database Free of charge have  your own hoplinks in your sub-affiliates' malls...  Free Click Bank Mall Here.

Ebook Marketing is one of only several approaches you can use to market your Click Bank affiliate products but you need to always keep in mind one fact when you are selling anything. Be Consistent.

 Free Squeeze Page Including Hosting

Use capture pages to collect your visitors email address.  through an opt in form for a newsletter for example or through a squeeze page,  you can build your list. Using an autoresponder will keep your new prospects  reminded of  the great product(s)  that you are recommending they purchase.

A squeeze page is simply a single page where the visitor must enter their contact details in order to get more information. Offer something of value to get the visitor to give you their contact information like a free guide or report of some sort that has real value and is unique. Using review style pages can be effective so consider doing an in depth review of your product and why people should consider purchasing it.

If you have money for advertising then you can use a pay per click system like google adwords to promote your product. If it is a Clickbank product then you should be fine bidding on the product name as it is usually not a trademark term. The product name is the best keyword and the most targeted so it is okay if you have to pay a little extra for these kinds of clicks. If you are using adwords then be sure to send the traffic to a squeeze page first.

It is also a good idea to build a website also even if you are doing paid advertising because taking advantage of organic search engine traffic can be very profitable since the cost to get the visitors is nothing so the money is pure profit. Our Click Bank Mall uses  adsense style ads for your sites.

Free Squeeze Page Here

Also make sure that you are cloaking your links using some sort of link cloaker. This will help to prevent commission theft as visitors will not be tempted to order under their own id. There is no need to promote hundreds of Clickbank products, select only the best in your niche and use a combination of paid advertising and search engine optimization to maximize your profits from selling Clickbank products.  (Free cloaking links here)

24 Tips To Promoting Click Bank or A Click Bank Mall

There are many methods of promoting ClickBank. Some of these are listed below:
Before you proceed with any of these, please follow their rules and regulations.

(1) If you have a web sites or blogs, place Your Links, Search box or clickbank ads on them.

(2) Use your links as signature in forums. The codes are given in the 'Your Links' page in your member area. You can use links specific to each forum.

(3) Use your links as your Email Signature

(4) If you have to create your profile online ( example : in forums or other web sites ), place your link if they ask you for your website.

(5) Tell your friends

(6) You can participate in Pay Per Click Campaigns such as Google Adwords. You can advertize in MSN, Yahoo and other search engines.

(7) Answer questions on or other such services and place relevant links.

(Cool Promote your link through Press releases

(9) Advertise your link in the appropriate category on

(10) Start a lens on and place your links in that lens.

(11) Put any of your links on all printed materials

(12) Write articles and submit to article directories. Place any of your links in the signature.

(13) Include your links in Free Classified Ads

(14) Add your links to blog posts

(15) Add your links to Web Directories

(16) Promote your mall offline as well as online.

(17) Find Free Traffic Ideas and implement them.

(1Cool Use any Traffic Exchange program. ( This traffic is of very low quality )

(19) You can advertise and promote your mall and links anywhere online.

(20) Advertize in ezines, newsletters etc..

(21) Give promotional items with your link

(22) Put your link in all business press releases

(23) Submit written reviews of your website to print media such as magazines and more�

(24) Research in google if you wish to know more about promoting your links online.

Many people think that getting good search engine rankings is difficult and unpredictable when in reality it is actually not that tough. It simply requires a commitment on your part to follow the rules of the search engines and to understand how they operate and what they look for in order to rank sites well. Your goal should be to create an authority site in your niche. This will take time so continue with paid advertising also as it will offer a more immediate source of traffic. Writing and submitting articles has been proven time and time again to help in improving traffic and rankings so make sure you use this tactic no matter how boring and dull it may seem to you. The bottom line is that it works so use it while you can.


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