Why I Use these Traffic Exchanges to Build My List

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Posted on: 22nd Nov 2020

It's true. The money is in the list. When I first started marketing online, I made the classic mistake of send people direct to my affiliate offer. Coupled with the low yeild of optins from Traffic Exchanges, I soon felt, like many, that they were a waste of time. Let's look at this from a "fresh" angle.

Traffic Exchanges are member sites were everyone agrees to look a member sites to earn credits. They in turn, use these credits to show their splash / lead capture page to members pf that Traffic Exchange. Most exchanges are free to join. I quickly found that free of cost results in 3-5x the "sweat" equoty required. I have better things to do than spending my life clicking away. As an upgraded member of the following exchanges that I have found success with, I only surf about an hour per day, instead of 4h. At only about $200/year to learn (and run) a little online business is very low barrier to entry. While upgrading is optional, of my 180+ downline, my 9 upgraded members make abot 7X as much money as the others combined!!

I like the following traffic exchanges due to ease of use, reasonable priced upgrades, good commission percentages. Also, in the case of Infinity Traffic Boost, the Bitcoin earnings are serious, providing you do as instructed.

Join Link

Suggested Upgrade

https://tesociety.com/?rid=235 $57/yr 50%
http://justgoodtraffic.com/?rid=12245 $47/yr 30%
https://infinitytrafficboost.com/fasttrack.php?id=freshangle $5 one-time 80%
http://www.listsurfing.com/?rid=51227 $95/yr 50%
http://website-traffic-hog.com/?rid=3462  $92 one-time 50%
http://conversionsurf.com/?rid=125  $60 one-time 60%

It's all about Conversions
The goal of every marketing campaign is to maximize your conversions.  When marketing with traffic exchanges it is important to use a tactic that easily converts (get them on your list).  With limited time, the easiest way to generate conversions is to offer a free item, such an ebook, to get surfers to sign up for your list. This link is a page I use http://cvrt4.com/s/dfyhero/7707 and here's a splashpage I created using 12 Second Commute http://www.12scwin.com/workoutvideos.html  

Marketing with traffic exchanges doesn't have to be an ordeal.  If you consider three key points, you can start a campaign that has a much higher likelihood to succeed.  Before you start marketing with traffic exchanges make sure to: choose the right type of exchange, make sure that surfers have enough time to read your page, and make the conversion process as easy as possible. This is why I use  splash or lead cature page, not the actual website.

Once they are on your list, you now will have time to actually build a relationship which may lead to a sale via repeated contact.  The typical sales process requires 5-20 contacts to get to a sale. Patience and persistance are neccessay. If you give them a giant sales page right away, the odds are high that they will not (and won't want to) be able to read the entire thing, let alone actually make a purchase.


Need a good marketing system to build your list,  blogs and sales pages? Signup for a FREEmium account here... http://www.12secondcommute.com/rep/ct32218.html

With your 12SC FREEmium account lets you build a 100 member list, lead capture / splashpages and more. Upgrade when you decide you need the extra features as you online business grows.


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