you�re headed to Scotland for a Celtic vacation then it�s essential to
make sure you pack well. There are a lot of varied activities to enjoy
in Scotland, from touring ancient castles to enjoying a night on the
town. Scotland is a geographically diverse region which brings with it
unique packing challenges. As with any coastal country, the weather can
change quickly which means it�s important to be prepared. The following
list of items will help you make sure to enjoy your trip to Scotland
without worrying about whether you�ve packed accordingly.
Whether you�re in Scotland during the summer or winter, it�s always
important to have a coat. The weather is often damp and humid which can
make the air temperature feel a bit colder. In the summertime make sure
to have a windbreaker and/or a jacket. In the spring, fall, and winter
the temperatures can dip quite low. Winter weather gear is essential.
Rain Gear
If you�re in Scotland, expect rain. It rains often and sometimes with
ferocity. This doesn�t seem to bother the people of this great country
at all. In fact, they tend to be outdoorsy folks. While you can
undoubtedly find rain gear to purchase on your trip, it makes financial
sense to bring your own. Bring a rain jacket and boots. If you want to
make sure to stay dry, consider rain pants and an umbrella as well.
Layers are the way to go in Scotland. You may find that during the
day you�re peeling off layers and down to a t-shirt by midday, and by
the end of the evening you�re wearing a sweater and a coat. Pack long
pants as well, and if you�re hiking then don�t forget to pack
appropriate clothing and shoes. For any traveling excursion, good
walking shoes are a must. This is particularly true in Scotland where
you may be hiking or walking through ancient ruins and castles.
The Extras
Be sure to pack a camera. Scotland is one of the most beautiful
countries in the world and you�ll want to capture every moment. If
you�re bringing electronic devices that need to be plugged in, you�ll
also want to pack an adaptor or buy one when you arrive. You�ll need a
three rectangular pin adapter. Don�t forget toiletries and any medicines
you�ll need when you�re there. If you�re camping then you�ll want to
bring your camping supplies as well.
Enjoy your time in Scotland. Pack for wet weather and be prepared for
anything. Preparation will ensure an enjoyable trip and memories of a