Rapid Weight Loss with Water

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Posted on: 18th Mar 2021

(c)2021 Courtney Thompson

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Water is vital for all life on earth. It's therefore no surprise that planet 'Earth', is actually, mostly water (71%). You should also be no surprise that the human nody made up of about 60-70% water. So, in a way, we really are all wet:) What does water have to do with attaining and maintaining healthy weight? Thought you would ask (why you're here -- right?), so here it is. How myny pounds of weight can you lose? I lost 49 pound (22 Kg) in 10 months. In addition to drinking water, how I used water in my lifestyle, I ate as much natural food as I wanted (eating veggies, fruit, fish, eggs, anything God made). The only restriction was to reduce or eliminate processed food (excess salt) and refined (white) sugar. I therefore avoided packaged goods as much as possible. Oh yeah, and drinking enough water.



This is NOT a diet plan nor medical advice. This is a 'method' I used, not a diet. The information provided is based on personal experience and having over 30 friends and neighbors applying the method presented here to lose from 10 to 70 pounds. PLEASE consult your healthcare professional before making any drastic changes to your lifestyle in order to lose weight.

I am an affiliate for some of the products that a re associated with this page and I am compensated if you decide to obtain an offer via the link(s) on this page.


3 Keys to Rapid Weight Loss using Water:

We are going to look at 3 key elements: how water helps you lose shed pounds, that when applied as part of your lifestyle, will result in helping most people lose excess pounds, and maintain a healthy weight for others. The 3 keys are: hydration, exercise, and cooking methods.


1) Hydration

We are 60-70% water. Water is the best liquid to hydrate with, since our bodies were designed to use it. The benefits of staying properly hydrated are many. Here is some of the for important functions proper hydration plays in maintaining good health:

  • keep joints lubricated
  • keep organs functioning properly
  • prevent infection
  • improve sleep
  • maintain cognitive function
  • help maintain body temperature
  • you injest fewer calories

How much water daily is adequate for healthy bodily functions? Advice from experts can vary widely, but many advise 2L (8 x 250mL cups), is about the sweet-spot. By all means, drink etra if playing sports or doing hard work on very hot or very cold days (yes, you lose water via vapor-beath).

I DON'T LIKE WATER!! To that I say: STOP YOUR WHiNING!! Here are some hopefully happy solutions. Herbal teas (unsweetened) count as water. There are hundreds of varieties, there has to be at least one on planet earth that you like. My personal favorites include: rosehip, hibiscus, ginger & lemon, pomegranate, peppermint, rooibos.

FACT: 3500 cal = 1 pound of weight

What this means is every 3500 calories you can cut out is a pound of body fat lost. When I was doing this I used to drink 3 x 12 ozcans of soda or 3 x 150 cal = 450/day or 3150 cal/week. This combined with some moderate exercise helped lose a little over 1 pound per week untill my body found my "right size" or ideal body weight for me. No starving required. Less excess calories equals less you.

The neat thing abount dring more water and zero calories beaverages is other than the reducing salt and processed sugar intake, you're still eating whatever natural foods you want. Also drink a glass of water before you eat your meal. You will both hydrate and reduce the calrories you eat without feeling hungry.


2) Exercise

I'm not a gym rat like some of my friends. I was looking to do exercises at home to maintain muscle mass (important for us dudes over 50). Moderate strenth training (I do about 10-15 minutes 3 days a week). Moderate strength training burns calories for a few hours after the workout. This will both speed up you body weight loss and help you look great.

The solution is brain-dead simple. Water weighs 1 Kg/L. Those 1.5 or 2L soda bottle that you no longer use (right?). When you fill the empty ones with water, you now have 1.5 Kg (about 3.25 Lbs for my American friends) hand weights. I use them in my 20 minute routine to do some strength training. Place 6 of these bottles in a reusable canvas shopping bag, you now have a 9 Kg (20 Lbs) weight that you can use to do curls and lifts. Place them in a knapsack and you have an extra 9 Kg (20 Lbs) to carry on your back if you want to add extra to that morning or evening walk. I do my water weight training 3 days a week for about 20 minutes each session. Since I'm not a gym rat, I either walk a 3 Km (2 mi) route, or bike about 7 Km (4 mi) a few times a week.

FACT: Strength training burns calories hours after a rigorous set.

Add variety to your workouts CLICK HERE


CLICK HERE to find a variety of workouts


3) Cooking Methods

How water helps you lose weight when cooking meals is simple; no extra calories are added when you cook with one the methods that follow. Fewr calories is good for your waistline and your body mass index (BMI). We will look at three common methods, boilging, steaming and poaching. Streamingt ypicall cooks the fastest, while maintaing most of the natural nutrients.

Cooking with water is basic to making soup (boiling method). In addition to making soup, you can reduce it further or thicken your pot to create a stew. Many veggies a great boiled, or steamed, potatoes being one of the best. Potatoes?? Yes, potatoes. They’re awesome simply boiled or mashed with some seasoning. Potatoes get a bad rap due to many enjoying too many fries. That extra oil ads many, many needless calories. The problem is not the potato, it's how we prepare them. Less use of lots of oil means fewer calories consummed.


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