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One Of The Largest And Most Active Mailers.

Rated: , 0 Comments
Total visits: 284
Posted on: 30th Oct 2014

With all the other launches, concepts, and new traffic generation twists hitting the market, here's some straight forward data to chew on about one of the largest and most active mailers on the net...State-Of-The-Art-Mailer!

Email Marketing Evolved!
Let's face it, every site owner has their own unique twist on what makes their site the best and many are great. But in the end, activity is king! Simply put, if a website remains active over time, that's a winner you should upgrade on and stick with because that is where the traffic is going!

All too often people chase "flash and crash" new traffic programs only to be "out" that money when it's no longer active.... which sometimes could be a matter of weeks. That's just not smart money folks.
Check out that stats at State-Of-The-Art-Mailer!
1) Almost 500,000 credits are claimed daily.
2) Over 20,000 clicks happen every day.
3) An Alexa ranking consistently under 10,000 for years.
4) Full Page Ads are bought regularly and most by repeat buyers!
5) Multiple 5 figure membership level.
6) Six figure commission payout since launch.
7) Millions of email clicks and banner views.
8) Ranked in the Top 5 Safelists via TrafficHoopla for years.
9) Full disclosure of sites statistics so you know how many members there are and how active they are.

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