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10 of the benefits of apple cider vinegar!

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Total visits: 163
Posted on: 24th Sep 2014

        Many benefits of apple cider vinegar, research has shown its role in the fight against diabetes, and to promote cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol and the prevention of many types of cancers, in addition to his big role in weight reduction threads.


  • 1.       Antibiotic:

If you are infected with diarrhea may be caused by a bacterial infection, and Bkhaltk for a few apple cider vinegar "tablespoon or two tablespoons" with water, you will find that you have analyzed the problem, and this, of course, because of the benefits of apple cider vinegar that antibiotic repellent and killer parasites, in addition to the research proved role in calming intestinal cramps because apples contain pectin can even help your body get rid of the fungus is rich in natural enzymes which can help to rid the body of fungi and yeasts that cause thrush.

10 of the benefits of apple cider vinegar!

  • 2     Apple cider vinegar prevents indigestion:

If you're suffering from indigestion, especially if you eat several meals together in times of tight, you'll need to add a small hanging of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and drink it before meals half an hour.

  • 3.       The benefits of apple cider vinegar he removes a clogged nose salve for sore throat.

Tired of clogged nose in cases of colds ... you mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and you'll see the difference and how it will help the relief of nasal pockets. Where it helps to break up mucus all over the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help those who suffer from allergies because of its ability to alleviate congestion in the mucous materials and sinuses. Thus, it can also help ward off infections and sinus symptoms associated with them, such as sore throat and headache.

In addition to that if I felt the beginning of the injury sore throat, remember that most of the germs do not live in the acidic environment as an environment apple cider vinegar. Once mixing � cup apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of warm water and rinsing the mouth almost every hour will help you so much.

  • 4.       Apple cider vinegar magic antidote for fatigue:

If you're athletic or newly started Exercise and Sport, has begun to feel exhausted muscle resulting from the accumulation of lactic acid on the muscle after a period of the effort, here the magic solution to it, add to a cup of water a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, Fajl apples contain potassium and enzymes that may relieve fatigue and fast.

  • 5.       Benefits of apple cider vinegar to get rid of leg cramps sudden:

Old is a popular treatment, where he was advised to add two tablespoons of food apple cider vinegar and a little honey to a cup of water and drink to relieve leg cramps at night.

  • 6.       Apple cider vinegar for bleaching teeth:

We have already proved that the vinegar helps to remove stains teeth and Bleached, and even sterilized to kill bacteria mouth and gums. If we advise you Balamadamadh am apple cider vinegar before brushing your teeth.

  • 7.       Apple cider vinegar is useful for your hair and your skin:

  Apple vinegar can increase the shine and strengthens your hair by hair rinse after use Alchampo.hat You can use an old shampoo bottle, then fill it with half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of cold water. And wash your hair done several times a week and you will notice amazing results.

Among the benefits of apple cider vinegar because it regulates the natural pH of the skin and keeps the skin. By washing the skin with water before going to sleep, and the morning before placing a humidifier will help to remove stains from your skin, and traces of acne and purification.

It is also recommended for the treatment of warts. By moistening Qatanna in apple cider vinegar, then linked it to the wart where the skin may swell a bit when some natural reaction then what soon and drops the wart, and should continue treatment for a few days, to make sure that the return of the wart.

It's also the benefits of apple cider vinegar also it helps soothe the skin in which the sun burnt.

It uses apple cider vinegar is also in the natural massages and massage, Vtdlak hands and feet by informing them much removed from fatigue and stress.

  • 8.       Apple cider vinegar helps in weight loss:

I have proved many of the research and the role of apple cider vinegar daily consumption of acetic acid (which is the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar) in reducing weight and fat, especially in the abdominal area, waist circumference and reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol. Where it is a good solvent for fats and tonic for metabolic processes in the body. It can be used by adding it to the salad or a cup of water, provided only increase the quantity of intake per day for two tablespoons, and not to be eaten alone and on an empty stomach on an empty stomach.

It contains a high percentage of potassium, which helps to transport nutrients to cells and remove toxins and free radicals from the body.

  Among the benefits of apple cider vinegar also maintains an appropriate balance of the body system of internal private Fajl apples helps the body maintain a healthy level and alkaline pH. 

  • 9.       The benefits of apple cider vinegar it helps get rid of toxins: 

Apple cider vinegar, where he works on balancing the pH in the body and thus helps in removing toxins from the body in general. The research also shows that he can help stimulate blood circulation and the heart and helps to remove toxins from the liver.

  • 10.   Possible that apple cider vinegar helps to reduce heartburn. 

Some research suggests that cider vinegar works to correct high acidity (or index of the pH low stomach), and thus help in reducing Aharqh.kma experts say physical therapy he should start to feel satisfied after a very brief period of eating a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, followed by a glass of water. But he should note that apple cider vinegar will not be right for you if you suffer from ulcers.                   


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