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Planning Your Day for Success

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Total visits: 137
Posted on: 13th Aug 2014

Planning Your Day

Does there seem to be a few obstacles in the way of your success? Two obstacles that go hand-in-hand are overcoming procrastination and getting a handle on your time management.

The good news is that we can conquer both with one solution� and that's simply by planning your day.

Planning makes success simple. Don't get me wrong�it doesn't make success easy, but it makes it simpler. There is a big difference between the two. Easy means little effort. And we both know that success takes hard work� and a lot of action.

Simple means that the path to success has already been tread, and we just need to follow that path � that is one of the purposes of MAP

All paths to success take planning and happen only when there is clear intention.

Some tips:

Plan your day/schedule


Block out your time for specific tasks


Get ONE big thing done first thing in the morning for momentum (as early as possible if you are working this biz part-time)


Prioritize your to-do list


Make a commitment to contacting the right people


Eliminate unnecessary communication (Facebook status, texting, etc.)


Avoid getting sucked into emails (especially passing around jokes)


Set daily deadlines for goals


Stick to your schedule (this is where things can often go wrong)


Set up your environment for maximum productivity



Or you can say, "Oh, I don't want to be that rigid. I am a spontaneous kind of person."

And that's fine, but I believe that you�ll fail at almost everything you want to do� PERIOD.

Your choice.

You must have control over your working conditions and those that can interrupt it. It must be made known that your work time is your do not disturb time (unless it is a real emergency).

This may disappoint others, but it will protect your time and is essential to your success. Make this decision�  Separate work from play. Commit... and stay focused.

Remember� work when it is time to work � play when it is time to play. The more work you can get done during work hours, the less time you'll have to steal from your family, friends, fitness, and fun hobbies by working when it's not "work time."

That's what is meant by getting more freedom from a structure.

You can work hard a good many hours and still have a life. Most people don't have a balance problem; they have a time-wasting problem.

If you're struggling with your schedule, go back and do a "time journal." Then ruthlessly plan your workday, by the 10 minute blocks.

You must also set an end to your day. Do a brain dump by planning tomorrow and then shut your working mind down. Go spend time with your family. Don't answer email, voice mails or texts, at all hours of the day and night. .. Set limits. Know what you should be doing at all times, and do it.

The more structure you have in your workday and the more you plan, the more you will accomplish�and the closer you will get to achieve your goals

One of the most important choices you'll ever make is how you use your time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, how are you using your 24?

So always be prepared. Plan ahead. If you don't, that will not only slow your progress, but it will cause you a lot of stress and anxiety in every area of life.

Until next time


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