The epigenome also influences how well each cell functions. In the epigenome, the right lifestyle choices trigger healthy gene expression � the healthy genes get switched on, the unhealthy ones get switched off.So while you can�t change your DNA blueprint, you can influence the way that DNA expresses itself.
Nutrition is at the center of it all. And the soy peptide lunasin is the first dietary ingredient identified to affect gene expression and promote optimal health at the epigenetic level. With lunasin, you really can take control of your health.
The benefits of soy are well-established, and new research has identified the nutritional component largely responsible: lunasin, a naturally occurring soy peptide. LunaRich� from Reliv optimizes lunasin content like no other nutritional ingredient available today.
Need Proof? LunaRich marks the culmination of an extensive research and development process that began with the discovery of the lunasin peptide in 1996. Lunasin is now one of the most heavily researched and scientifically supported nutritional compounds available today.
Bioavailability, how effectively a nutrient is absorbed by the body, has always been a key component inReliv�s approach to nutrition. That�s why our products come in the form of easily absorbed shakes. WithLunaRich�, we have taken the bioavailability of lunasin, a key peptide in soy, to a whole new level.
LunaRich�s proprietary refinement process retains a more uniform and integrated �shell� of protease inhibitors, protective chaperone molecules that protect the lunasin�s structure after consumption. The lunasin molecule retains its integrity as breakdown of the chaperone molecules continues into the small intestine, where it is absorbed for maximum benefit.