As you take on this new role of being a Business Owner there are a few KEY things to keep in mind to help you along your Journey.
1.) Create Your Action Plan � Follow the simple system that is given to you, create a daily schedule and ensure you are focusing on what creates results not �busy work�. (3 a day � press play / open 5 to 20 NEW relationships daily) Facebook, IBOtoolbox, Twitter, etc.
2.) Set Your Goals � if you don�t know where your going, it�s pretty difficult to get there! Get CLEAR on your short and long term goals, write them down and also post them where you can see them. Affirm them with present tense words (I.E. I AM and I HAVE, not I will or I want)
3.) Set Your Schedule - how many hours per week can you dedicate to your business? Your drive and passion for achieving your goals, will help you remain disciplined to put in the time and action steps necessary. It�s all about consistency and persistence daily and weekly.
4.) Find A Partner - having a partner gives you someone to support you, motivate you, help you out, mastermind with you, and LAUGH with you. This business is all about meeting new people, having fun, and creating prosperity in all areas of our lives. There�s no reason to do it alone.
5.) Power Of Affirmations - Set aside some time within the morning or at night to affirm what you KNOW is accomplished. You need to see it before you see it. So any specific goal you have in promoting your business below are a few things that can help you bring those goals to results.
6.) Personal Development - build your inner growth daily while your income and business grows. This includes videos, audios, reading at least 10 pages of a book daily, tapping into your Mentors for guidance, etc.. Have a daily ritual you tap into to feed yourself what is needed to learn and grow into the income and life that is created through promoting sharing the Your Business changing opportunity. Your personal growth needs to stay aligned with your income/ranks.
7.) Gratitude Journal � Write daily 10 to 20 areas of your life you are thankful for (be in gratitude for what you already have, it allows more to come in), on the next page write out your personal goals in business and life (Top 10) in I AM and I HAVE affirmation style, on the following page write out your monthly goal over and over again in I AM and I HAVE affirmation. For example �I will retire in 24 months�. Additional ways to affirm your goals are dream boards, announcing to others and committing to the process with your Mentors.
From there take a few minutes each day to visualize your goals, feel it now, know it is already accomplished. Then take MASSIVE ACTION. Faith without action is simply a glorified wish. Do what is needed to reach the goals you are visualizing.
Now, that you�ve established these incredibly important aspects of your business, contact your Mentors to create your Action Plan or if you have already, go out there and get �er done!
I will see you at the top!
Mireya Melendez
Your coach, mentor and motivator.
Stop Promoting Other People's Dreams, Promote And Build Yours!
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