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Reasons Some People Don�t Make the Best Employees

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Total visits: 230
Posted on: 29th Oct 2014

Human beings make good employees much of the time. They show up for work on time. They do their jobs well, and get good performance reviews for their work. The problem is that some of them don�t generally go beyond what is expected of them, and much of the time, they don�t work any harder than they have to. They put in just enough effort to make it look good. They�re not bad at their jobs. They�re not inept, nor are they lazy. They�re just not inspired to work hard for anyone but themselves. No matter what their work entails, they just don�t make the best employees. This post will examine why this may be the case.

They�re Stubborn as Hell

They are one of the most stubborn groups of people on the planet. They don�t like being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and for whom to do it. In fact, they hate it so much that oftentimes they will even rebel by taking their time, and doing what they damn well please. They have their own ideas about how to do their work, and feel that no one needs to tell them anything. Their stubbornness gets them into trouble, which many times gets them written up, or the pink slip.

They Dream Incessantly
They are the biggest dreamers there are. They want more than their jobs can offer them, and they spend much of their time dreaming about better circumstances. However, their dreams are not simply fantasies. They are ideas that they generate, and then execute whenever possible. They�ll even work at fulfilling their dreams at their workplace. They focus far more on their dreams than they do on their job assignments. Being dreamers is their way of expressing who they really are, and it makes them feel powerful and important.

They�re Risk-Takers
They are not afraid to take risks. They understand fully that risk-taking is essential for achieving success and personal fulfillment. The problem is that many of them take risks to the detriment of their employment. Many times, they�ll even take stupid risks, even though they know that the risks could end up costing them dearly. They�re not afraid to push the envelope, and will even burn their bridges. If their risk-taking gets them fired, they don�t sweat it. Initially, they regret having taken the risk that ultimately landed the deathblow, but soon after, accept their fate. They never stop taking risks, and continue doing so even if it kills them.

They�re Much Smarter Than Their Bosses
They can often detect incompetence and idiocy in their supervisors. In fact, they find it really frustrating that certain people are somehow promoted to such lofty positions, and yet have very little knowledge of how to effectively supervise. It irks the hell out of them to work for these insipid and servile office drones. Many can often see right through their fa�ade and phoniness, and show them very little respect. They butt heads incessantly with their bosses, which eventually gets them back on the unemployment line.

They See Things Differently
They adhere to beliefs and philosophies that are the complete opposite to that of the rest of the work staff. While many of their co-workers believe in the �go-along-to-get-along� job principle, they believe wholly in the concept of creativity and free-thought. They will never surrender their independence for the mere purpose of gaining workplace acceptance. They refuse to allow others to reverse their views, and as a result, they are usually deemed as the office outcasts and recluses. They refuse to follow the crowd. Period!

They�re Too Busy Breaking the Rules
They don�t listen, and sometimes, they don�t follow the rules. They are the consummate rule-breakers, and they don�t care who knows it. They don�t have time for B.S. office rules, and often make a point of not following them. They are the troublemakers, and many of their co-workers don�t appreciate their unwillingness to simply go along with the status quo. It�s not to say that they refuse to follow any of the office rules. They just refuse the follow the ones that they are greatly opposed to.

They Can�t Keep Still
Many of them can�t stay in one place for very long. They have to be on the move. If they feel stuck in neutral, they will often rebel. Going back-and-forth to the same job location for many years is an impossible habit pattern. They need the excitement of being in different places, and meeting new people. This is why most of them move from one job to the next. They hate feeling tide down to a job, especially if it doesn�t offer them any pleasure and excitement. They just can�t keep still.

They Prefer to Go it Alone
They�re comfortable going it alone. They�re usually not very good in work groups, and they may not be good job team players at work. They are usually far more adept at working alone. They hate being supervised on projects, and absolutely abhor quarterly job performance reviews. They just want to be left alone to do their jobs without having to provide regular updates regarding their work assignments. This can sometimes lead them to become insubordinate, which can then lead to losing their jobs.

You may recognize some of these issues with some of your co-workers. In fact, you might even recognize them in yourself. This doesn�t mean that you have a problem with your work ethic, or with authority. It just means that you need more than any employer can offer you. In any case, these are some of the reasons some people don�t make the best employees.

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