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5 Principal Characteristics of Highly Creative People

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Total visits: 155
Posted on: 13th Jul 2014

If you had to name one quality that you believe differentiates you from everyone else, it would likely be your creativity. Moreover, you would also observe that, at one time or another, you have had to endure jeers and condemnation. In fact, there is nothing in civilized society that has been viewed more suspiciously and threateningly than creativity. Present one good idea and the loyal employee could soon find herself ostracized, rejected; and even unemployed for what might be mistaken for insubordination and cutthroat behavior. The fact is that, even though creative people often exhibit unorthodox and unconventional thinking, they are not necessarily insubordinate or cutthroat. In that case, we�ll look at some of the principal characteristics found in these individuals.

Creative people are avid risk-takers. They understand that risk-taking is a major part of achieving success and happiness. However, they don�t set out on a dicey mission simply due to its risk value. Instead, they set out on their personal journey with the knowledge that they risk either success or failure. They understand the risk, but focus their attention on winning.


Creative people think and behave in ways that are often construed as rebellious, socially unacceptable or surprising. They don�t believe that certain norms apply to them because of their rigidity. Creative people do not like any form of rigidity, and will normally resist it. They don�t play by the rules unless doing so is required by law, or is a matter of sustaining good health.


Stubbornness is one of the greatest characteristics of creative people. They trust their own judgment rather than trust those of other folks; especially if they believe that their way is far more effective. They�re never easily swayed from their original ideas unless they have solely determined that the ideas need to be modified.

This is actually related to doubting the validity of information regarding specific subject matter. Creative people tend not to believe or accept certain thoughts and ideas at face value. Instead, they question most of the information that they receive and do their own research to verify it.

Creative people are generally skilled at visualizing or thinking originally. They are good at thinking of new ideas, or at visualizing things that have never been seen or experienced directly.

Do you identify with any of these characteristics in yourself? Have you found that you are often unsatisfied with how things currently stand, and believe that there�s a better way? Have you often found yourself outcast, because you refused to follow the crowd? If so, you are probably very creative. In the end, you are very creative, and have so much to give to others.

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