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5 Common SEO Ranking Tactics You Should Always Avoid

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Total visits: 157
Posted on: 30th Jul 2014

Making a determined effort to get optimally listed on Google or other engines should always be the top priority for every blogger and online content contributor. SEO is one of the most important ways to generate and direct traffic to a particular site or blog. Driving traffic can be very difficult if the SEO is not providing the very important assistance needed. Therefore, it is essential to consider the elements that prove to be disadvantageous to adopt in the quest to create optimum SEO ranking. The following are some SEO ranking tactics you must consciously avoid.

1. Using the Wrong Keywords
Using the wrong keywords produces undesired SEO rankings and can generate low traffic results. It cannot be emphasized enough the important of utilizing the proper keywords. High valued keywords will generate high level click, which in turn will contribute to the high traffic to your blog.

2. Excluding �Alt� Tags
Excluding �alt� tags for images makes it difficult for search engines to detect and recognize images or content for ranking purposes. Alt tags are extremely important and must be included in order to compete for high SEO rankings.

3. Duplicating Content

Duplicating content provides little benefit and shows the low commitment level of the blog host. It also produces negative reactions from search engines, and may even result in your blog being penalized.

4. Using Poor �Anchor� Tags
Using poor �anchor� tags creates two problems. The first is that it fails to provide the SEO with the relevant information about the material content of the links. The second is that doesn�t draw the reader further into your blog. Without this connection, there is little chance of enhancing the ranking exercise to positively reflect your blog�s content.

5. Overuse Keywords
Overusing keywords makes your blog content appear flat and murky. An even bigger problem is that your blog stands a good chance of being penalized for such an unproductive activity.

These are the common mistakes that many bloggers are guilty of as it pertains to SEO. Always makes sure to keep these tactics in mind when creating your content, and avoid them at all cost while you work hard at driving search engine traffic to your blog.

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