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Aggressive Phrases You Should Repeat Daily

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Total visits: 156
Posted on: 19th Jul 2014

You are a no-nonsense, insistent, stubborn, and ready to do battle when it is necessary. You walk-the-walk as much as you talk-the-talk! You are out on the battlefield, with your weapon strapped over your shoulder, charging towards enemy lines to liberate the village that is being held captive by your rival. You�re aware that you are in for a tough challenge, and that your enemy is standing in your way. However, what you�re not aware of is that your enemy is standing less than a centimeter in front of you. You are the enemy. It is you that you�re fighting on the battlefield. It�s your village that you are foolishly holding captive. In other words, you are sabotaging your own progress by allowing the enemy voices in your head to hold you back. Despite this, you can cease being your own enemy. One of the best ways to do this is to repeat aggressive phrases to stay in balance and on track. Here are those phrases.

Do it Now!
One of the major challenges that you�ve likely face is ending your habit of putting things off until a later date. Have you ever decided that you would do a certain task tomorrow, and then realized that tomorrow was two Thursdays ago? Like many of us, you have unquestionably gone through this experience many times over. The worst part is the guilt that you felt afterwards. However, you can correct this with one simple phrase: �Do this now!� Each time you decide to procrastinate, repeat this phrase over and over until you get tired of hearing yourself say it. This will increase the chances of you doing the task now.

Get Out of My Face!
Have you ever come across a problem of which you knew there was a way out, but you just couldn�t fathom how? You wanted the problem to go away, but it insisted on stubbornly standing in your way. It won�t leave you alone. It nagged at you, and caused you to lose sleep. It nearly killed your appetite, your peace of mind, and even your relationships. If you answered �yes�, you understand how annoying it is when it appears. Your aggressive phrase, in this case, is to tell it to leave you alone. To state it more bluntly, step directly in front of it, and boldly say to it, �Get out of my face!� Repeat this phrase every time the problem bothers you. Doing this will give you the emotional composure and confidence to confront it head on, and solve it.

Shut the Hell Up!

Everyone has, at various instances, felt that failure was imminent, and that there was little they could do to about it. In fact, you are probably, at this very moment, shaking your head in total agreement. You know how it feels when that annoying voice inside of your head tells you that you can�t do it, and that you need to stop trying.. It leaves you with that sick gut feeling of helplessness and doom. You begin to imagine disaster all around you, and the fear grips you tightly. The truth is that the voice is nothing more than the negative voices of your past. They�ve come back to harass you. However, you will not tolerate this voice reappearing into your life. Therefore, the next time you start to feel encumbered by doubt and fear, shut the voice down by telling it to �Shut the hell up�. The voice doesn�t know what it�s talking about, and you will destroy it if it dares to show up, and annoy you again.

So What?

Do you sometimes see yourself as incompetent, valueless, and undeserving? Does it seem like the people around you are driving nice cars in the fast lane, while you�re riding an old bicycle at a snail�s pace? They�ve all long passed you by, and you�re still choking on their exhaust fumes. The danger that you face is in assuming that everyone else in the world is better than you are. They are the haves, and you�re the have not. They deserve to be happy, and you don�t. These are obvious myths that can reappear whenever you compare yourself to others. Hence, there are two things that you must do to combat this. The first is to stop comparing yourself to your counterparts. The second is to focus all of your energy on your importance and significance in the world. See yourself as more powerful than those around you; even if they have it all, and you have nothing at all. Then, repeat the phrase �So what�. It will help you get over your shortcomings, and motivate you to reach for a much higher status.

I�m Still Here!
You feel like you�re about to die, because life has simply become so difficult to bear. It feels like the odds are against you, and defeat is just above the horizon. You feel so badly whipped that you�re practically laying bloodied and bruised on the sidewalk, and can only think of giving up. It just seem like it�s not worth trying anymore. When this happens, always remind yourself that you�ve dealt with difficulties before, and still survived. Tell yourself that if you could make it through the storm then, you can make it through this one. It�s no worse than before. It�s just a different storm that is taking place on a different day. You�re still here, and you refuse to be scared off. Repeat the phrase, �Still here!� You�re still here. Period!


The next time you feel overwhelmed, remember that the information that is holding you back is false, and that you will not accept the inaccuracies. Be aggressive and repeat these aggressive phrases. Doing this will only put you in a better position of becoming a joyful one.

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