Do successful people have to deal with the viciousness, deceit, and outright cruelty of others? Absolutely! There is no one alive who hasn�t felt injured and betrayed by those whom they once trusted and admired. In fact, it is likely that you are still licking the deep emotional wounds that ...
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Human beings make good employees much of the time. They show up for work on time. They do their jobs well, and get good performance reviews for their work. The problem is that some of them don�t generally go beyond what is expected of them, and much of the time, ...
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There isn�t one person on the planet who doesn�t procrastinate. Even the most organized and most ambitious of us dawdle and put things off. So, the real issue isn�t whether or not we procrastinate, but why we do it; even though it causes us future stress and discomfort. The reason ...
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You are a no-nonsense, insistent, stubborn, and ready to do battle when it is necessary. You walk-the-walk as much as you talk-the-talk! You are out on the battlefield, with your weapon strapped over your shoulder, charging towards enemy lines to liberate the village that is being held captive by your ...
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Human fulfillment requires an enduring, optimistic, and auto-didactic personality. However, you don�t have to be a brave warrior to possess all three. You just have to be willing to face every obstacle with mental fortitude, confidence, and the faculty to teach yourself. Even if you�ve spent a good part of ...
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Positive affirmations are uplifting statements that are voiced repeatedly to help an individual dramatically reverse negative thoughts. In theory, the statement takes on the task of influencing the subconscious mind to act in accordance with a desired end result. However, research psychologists at the University of Waterloo have now found ...
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Human beings have to be very capable of addressing any inquiries or issues that they encounter. They must be confident, focused, relentless, creative, and highly proactive. At the same time, they must also possess a calm spirit and an objective attitude. However, possessing any of these qualities is not the ...
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Self-management is a personal development practice that an individual executes independently through the implementation of specific skills to achieve realistic objectives. These skills include planning, goal setting, scheduling, effective communication, performance tracking, behavior modifications, and self-imposed performance evaluations. The individual carries out tasks that are aimed at reaching a definite ...
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The true essence of human beings is that they possess the willingness, ability, and preparation to improve the quality of life. The main reason that we are all here, in the first place, is to serve others. Unfortunately, more emphasis seems to be placed on the �every-man-for-himself� philosophy. Today, we ...
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There is not one person on the planet who doesn�t have to work at staying motivated like. The truth is that becoming motivated is easy. If you don�t believe it, pay attention the next time you attend a network marketing business event, or go to a lively Baptist church service. ...
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26th Jun 2014
MySQL Error in Query:
INSERT INTO blogsystem_user_referrals
Table './12scblog/blogsystem_user_referrals' is marked as crashed and should be repaired