As an Advertising Specialty Salesman since 1977, I can assure you that I have run into all kinds of retorts to my selling attempts. I take them in stride and keep on selling until I reach my 7 no�s plus 1 more for good measure. I then move on to the next prospect and start the process all over. Most of my prospects have been pleasant and have provided experiences from which I have gained needed expertise for future encounters. On the other hand, many have been downright funny and have served to keep me energized and feeling inspired.
Let me share this example with you. I attended an informal gathering of community minded business leaders, with a desire to network for prospective customers. I introduced myself to several people as was expected and engaged each in general small talk as is typical of such events.
I am always proud to hand out my business card and I try to have a stand-out version of what one can expect, should one decide to become my customer. I take to heart the adage that it pays to advertise.
After engaging this particular gent in conversation and having him tell me about his business endeavors, I carefully calculated how I would present my song to him as I handed him my business card. My song being a very brief reason why he should consider doing business with me. I was totally unprepared for his next comment. This gentleman looked at my card and then back at me and said �Your business must be doing pretty bad for you to be handing out a flimsy card like this�, all the while handing me his card with a smirk on his face.
I of course was floored by his comment, but managed to do a quick assessment as well as regain my composure. My card was printed on Parchment Stock, one of the finest that money can buy and not available locally. His card was printed on a very thick card stock that I would not carry nor would my company offer for sale. Rather than go into a tirade about how uninformed he was, I simply promised to bring him a wide selection of card stocks to our first meeting so he could make his selection based on a wider availability.
My point for the preceding message is this; Never allow yourself to be disappointed or angered by the rude, crass or uninformed comments of your prospects in a selling situation. You must control the selling situation and take the conversation to where it benefits you most. The prospect has no clue as to the content of your plan and is simply attempting to gain control of the interaction in whatever way he or she knows how to do. If you snooze, you loose and when you lose the prospect wins.
In the selling situation, always wear your thick skin and never respond to rocks and arrows. Equally important; Don�t throw or shoot them either.
Advertising Specialties and Business Printing is just one of the many businesses that can be done from home. All the rules that guide the successful sales process are applicable and it is a competitive field. If you are interested, feel free to contact me for more details on how to get started. It will be my pleasure to assist you.
Be sure to have a look at www.OlsonRogers.com for more commentary ot this type.
Till next time.