
Let�s talk briefly about how to approach your prospect. I believe there are certain factors that come into play whether you are prospecting in person or online.
Most prospects seem to hate salespeople and I find that to be a subterfuge, to throw us off. Once you say hello, the game begins, In fact, if you set up an appointment ahead of time, the game started then.
I recommend that you lay out your game plan well ahead and put it in writing so you will not confuse yourself or get lost in the process. My greatest sales success over the years came when I worked with a memorized script. I learned it so well that it was not possible to throw me off. I had it so finessed until the prospect was mesmerized by the by the flow and dared not interrupt for fear of breaking the spell that had come over the room.
Prior to the above happening however, there were certain criteria that must have been met before I began my presentation. When setting the appointment by phone I would find out who I needed to speak with to make a sale. What I mean is, who are the players I am to sell to and who controls the money and who makes the buying decision. Will those or that person(s) be available at my appointment. If not, when will they be and can we reschedule for that time. After the appointment is scheduled, I would call an hour or two before hand to reconfirm. If I arrived at the appointed place and there was only one player present and there were supposed to be two, I would reschedule for a time, when both could be present. Remember, this is all a part of an undeclared game and you(I) are playing to win.
Now here is what is happening. If I go ahead and present to one member of a twosome the single person will give me all of their attention and after I am done he/she will say how much they liked my presentation and they will talk it over with the absent member and get back to me. NOPE! It ain�t gonna happen! You just lost the game.
Before you begin your presentation, always establish who can buy and if the person you are dealing with is not the buyer, don�t do a practice presentation. You should already know your material and not need a practice run. You are there to sell. Practice at home. Leave and go on to your next appointment after you reschedule. If you don�t have another appointment, leave anyway.
The salesperson must always control the sales process. That is what in essence, you are being paid to do. No sale is made until the money changes hands.
In a future post we will talk about what else we need to do when we approach a prospect.
When you are doing business from home, it it is necessary to be a little more precise and get it done the first time. Keeping simple rudimentary principles in play always. will ensure you a greater success than being haphazard in your approach to the sales process.
For those reading this who are online marketers, can you apply this discussion to an online situation?
Till next time,