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Using Native Plants in Your Natural Landscaping Design

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Total visits: 116
Posted on: 27th Jun 2015

There really are no regulations, rhyme, or reason when it comes to choosing your natural landscape design. You can utilize natural landscaping in all or part of your backyard or even front yard design.

Be aware, however, that once you start utilizing natural landscaping in your design for your home, you may never go back to traditional planting.

Natural landscaping incorporates more vegetation, native plants, wetland, and prairie systems to highlight the quality of water-filled areas.

What Are Native Plants?

Native Plants are plants that are typically grown naturally in their particular region and have been there for hundreds, perhaps, thousands of years. Native plants thrive in their particular climate and soil.

Pine bluegrass, redwood trees, and ferns are all examples of native plants.

Native Plants Have Many Benefits

* Aesthetics - Native plants offer many benefits not only to homeowners, but also to business owners, organizations, groups, and even golf courses. There is no better way to attract new customers than to be a business owner or golf course that is environmentally conscious, friendly, and aware. Playing golf on a golf course that utilizes native plants, vegetation, and tall grasses also enhances the atmosphere for the players.

* Environmental � Utilizing native plants instead of brick and mortar, concrete slabs, and asphalt helps the environment tremendously. These items are not as porous and water receptive as native plants. Native plants can aid in the reduction of storm water runoff. Communities that live along bodies of water that has mostly concrete surrounding them are negatively affected by flood and overflow from storms. Having fewer floods means also having less exposure to mosquitoes and other bugs that flourish near water.

* Curb appeal � For curb appeal, native plants have a tremendous impact, especially on resale value. For homeowners wishing to sell, the impact of native plants in their front yard or in their back yard alongside a small stream has great resale value. For business owners, native plants give the impression of an organization that is down to earth at its core and is appealing to draw new business or customers into it.

* Other wildlife � Native plants are imperative to the existence of other wildlife such as birds. Berries on certain shrubs help to maintain the ecosystem, which is vital to birdlife.

* Insects � Without native plants, insects could not thrive. Insects make many people's skin crawl; however, insects are a necessary part of our ecosystem as they provide food and nourishment for other wildlife.

Using native plants in your landscaping design not only benefits the homeowner or business owner, but is also beneficial to the ecosystem and all its critters.

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